BH Organiser Suite – Update history

2.6.22 - Aug 24
BHOrganiser – JudgingSheets – “No Entrant” forms can now be multiple with an OOA
BHWeb – This update history
BHOrganiser – Sync – bug in uploads (didn’t affected normal uploads)
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – Directors not displaying in Chorus members grid
BHOrganiser – Results – missing side to boxes bottom line of scoring summary
BHOrganiser – Variances – improvements and tweaks – wasn’t quite right
BHOrganiser – Results – Report for Judges using new variances calculations
BHOrganiser – Scores – when disabled, variances background colours now show
BHWeb – QuartetEntry4 – allow any qualifying quartet to enter Intl Qual
BHWeb – ADM Review – Change Contests – bug fix
BHWeb – Quartets – shows full paid delegate status (where applicable) for members
BHWeb – Module Install – now includes links to older versions

2.6.21 – Aug 24
BHAdmin – Judging Panel – include option for BABS judge
BHOrganiser – Sync – maintains selection of Central CG after download
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – bug fix in display if this is the first tab selected
BHOrganiser – GetLastYear – bug fix
BHOrganiser – Warns if a BHA Chorus List differs from the number on stage
BHWeb – WebUsers visible to all ADM judges
BHNationalQuals – cope with ensemble in two regionals but admin removal from one
BHNationalQuals – bug fix not updating screen with what it saves to central qualifiers table
BHOrganiser – Evals – more explicit indication that an eval is a long one
BHOrganiser – Evals – if startup tab, opens on last used ContestGroup
BHOrganiser – Evals – added appearance order to Judges’ Schedules
BHAdmin and BHCommon – Judging Sheets support for new format for Performance
Database – updates to all three scoring sheets
BHOrganiser – Scores – update to determinations of variance and a variance report
BHOrganiser – Entrants – new form – songs list for Round 2
BHOrganiser – where easily possible, changed CA to ADM and Music to Musicality
BHWeb – Modify entries – more characters needing to be changed to make valid file names
BHOrganiser – JudgingSheets – bug fix invalid string in DisplayEntrants
BHOrganiser – JudgingSheets – allow printing in later round without a schedule being set
BHOrganiser – Scores – Excel for ADMs – bug fixes

2.6.20 – July 24
BHSecurity – bugs fixed
BHWeb – security flaw fixed
BHWeb – XMLReceive – ignore critical contestgroup and contest server tables
BHWeb – ContestGroups – optionally display CGID and CID
BHWeb – ContestTypes – enhancements
BHWeb – ContestAdmin – bug fix re registrations making primary contest secondary
BHWeb – ContestAdmin – warnings at dangerous changes of order re primary contests
BHOrganiser – Bug fix – gave error if used Scores tab before using Results tab
BHCommon – Options – bug fixes wrt changing between training and production etc..
BHOrganiser – Results - bug fixes spreadsheet for scores with >1 round
BHOrganiser – ContestJudgingSheets – Judge nbr (in category) added to slips
BHOrganiser – Schedule – warns if an entrant is not in the schedule
BHOrganiser – Scores – warns if an entrant is not in the schedule
BHOrganiser – Scores – Excel spreadsheet for keeping scores works with Round 2
BHNationalQuals – update to allow for separate senior’s contest
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – bug fix wrt RegistrationMembers/Songs tables
BHWeb – Affiliations – not deleting affiliations properly
BHWeb/BHCommon – Entry Forms - references to CA changed to references to ADM Judge
BHWeb – ContestEntry3a – better error messages if no ADM email in system.
BHWeb – Chorus/QuartetEntry7 – references to CA(s) changed to ADM Judge(s)
BHWeb – CAReview2 – tidied other buttons display, changed CA to AJ
BHWeb – CAReview2 – Not yet submitted warning label made more prominent
BHWeb – Site Master – Menu item Review .. Entries changed to refer to ADM Judge
BHWeb – Choruses/Quartets – improvement in ability to modify non BHA/BHNZ ensembles
BHAdmin – Members – InNationalQuartet – bug fix
BHNationalQuals – bug fix to cope with multiple qualifying contests
BHWeb – MergeEnsembles – New feature
BHOrganiser – Entrants/EntrantChecks – bug fixes to work with multiple quartet contests
BHDBBackup – better naming convention for weekly backups
BHAUpdate/BHNZUpdate – further tweaks to delegate matching
BHAUpdate/BHNZUpdate – Gender set Non-Binary if not clearly Male or Female
ChorusEntry5/QuartetEntry5/ModifySongs – bug fix wrt song duration (when requested)
BHWeb – Reminder Emails – new feature

Changes for the Sword carrier at PanPac which she then didn’t like

2.6.15-18 not generally released

2.6.14 – Mar 24
BHOrganiser – Sync – update local record of imports – stop error message on startup
BHOrganiser – Sync & Tab Changes – bug fixes
BHOrganiser – further bug fix with tooooo many ContestTypes
BHOrganiser – Entrants – SongList – fix page throw after only one song at bottom of page
BHOrganiser – Scores – ClearOne button enabled – does all of the current round
BHCommon – JudgingSheets – JudgingSheets/Slips – heading changed to Musicality
BHAdmin & BHOrganiser – JudgingSheet button titles changed to Musicality
BHScoreTester – allows keeping a partially scored round and only filling in zero scores
BHOrganiser – Results – balancing of ADM judges on other results reports
Tables – PenaltyTypes and PenaltyFlags – allow for advisories
BHOrganiser – Scores – allow for advisories
BHOrganiser – Results and Evaluations reports – allow for advisories
BHOrganiser – GetLastYear’s results – improvements and bug fixes
BHOrganiser – GetLastYear’s results – also adds Most Improved contests as required
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – excludes a single chorus MD in the gender counts
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – comments if gender balance may be a problem
BHOrganiser – Entrants – bug fix adding and deleting contests

Limited release – bug fix for PanPac

BHOrganiser – Entrants – overrunning contest control tables – too many contests!
BHOrganiser – leaving Sync tab Connection string not initialised error
BHOrganiser – Results – balancing of ADM judges to not overflow space on score sheets

BHOrganiser – Evals – didn’t count lines in the judges’ schedule very well
Database – new YSIH Quartet and Chorus contest types

BHAdmin – Judges – ability to update names from the members’ database
BHOrganiser – Sync – timing issue seemed to be able to duplicate primary contests
BHOrganiser – Sync – under some circumstances, connections reset inappropriately
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – completion and bug fixes

BHOrganiser – JudgingSheets – bug fix for no entrant selected but all judges

BHOrganiser – Entrants – bug fixes adding contests

BHOrganiser – Entrants – ability to delete contests
BHScoreTester – completes rounds properly

BHWeb – XMLSend – removes timezone information from XMLData
BHOrganiser – Sync – Uploads have timezone information removed
BHOrganiser – Schedule – Excel export for MCNotes
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – bug fixes
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – allow for LongEvals
BHSetup – Tweaking of database setup
BHCommon – Checkpoint function changed to TidyDatabase and shrink files too
BHCommon – Create custom font for embedding in PDFs

BHOrganiser – Entrants - Ability to delete incorrect contests

Development release only

BHOrganiser – Schedule – chorus common members not printing
BHOrganiser – Schedule – grid made read only to avoid inadvertent edits
BHOrganiser – Sync – bug fix on download access

BHOrganiser – Schedule – too many contests for PanPac – array overflow

BHNZUpdate – correctly decoding quartet and chorus info now. (BHAUpdate OK)
BHSetup – removed notice saying only works with Windows Authentication
BHAdmin – Delegates – bug fix on searching on specific choruses and/or quartets
BHWeb – Affiliations – adding chorus members makes them Singers not no bodies
BHWeb – Affiliations – Make Director button not working …??? Why
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – will offer to correct schedule if judge name change is OK
BHWeb – ContestDetails – improvements in setting primary contest dates and not details
BHWeb – Members – ability to change non BHA/BHNZ dates of birth
BHWeb – 3 x SongEntry forms – bug fix on song selection from library
Tables – HasLongEval column added to Evaluations – not yet fully implemented

BHAdmin – Judging sheets – changes to the Music sheet
BHCommon – judging sheets printout – new music sheet with only four columns (Urrgh)
BHCommon – judging sheets – tweaks on layouts
BHDataTransfer – will copy an entire database
BHWeb – Chorus/QuartetEntry3 and Modify Chorus – gender lock not always working
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – allow for quartets that have not entered a regional and not just Intl

BHOrganiser – Entrants – Works with PanPac national contest auto-entries
BHWeb – QuartetEntry2 and 4 – allow for BHA or BHNZ Novice Quartet
BHWeb – ChorusEntry2 and 4 – allow for BHA or BHNZ Senior Chorus
Tables – addition of BHA or BHNZ Novice Quartet and Senior Chorus
BHWeb – ModifyEntries and CAReview(s) – contests listed in display order not alpha order
BHWeb – Qualifiers page moved to Performers Admin (with Delegates)
BHWeb – ContestDetails – bug fix moving contests up or down
BHWeb – moved Qualifiers page to PerformersAdmin
BHWeb – Affiliations – able to select Clubs in the middle column as well as ensembles
BHWeb – ChorusEntry3 – not handling genderlocks correctly.
BHNationalQuals – Excel output ready for a mail merge
BHWeb – Chorus/QuartetEntry4 – for PanPac, a notice re BHA/BHNZ specific contests
Tables – new table DelegatePricing (derived from data on HarmonySite)
BHNZUpdate – gets pricelevel options from BHNZ_main rather than being hard coded
BHWeb – Qualifiers – added seq and score plus choice on sort orderd
BHWeb – Members – ability to reset the InNationalQuartet date … doesn’t reset past results
BHNZUpdate – delegates update – it went bananas with a quartet “… no name -going to get it soon”
BHAdmin – JudgingPanel – improvement selecting member with no judging category (yet)
BHAdmin – removed tabs that are now fully functional on website
BHAdmin – ability to make a delegate a judge (in BHOther not just a delegate member)
BHNationalQuals – highlight changes in BHA/BHNZ database for contact info since regionals
BHWeb – more issues with the conversion from VB to C#
BHWeb – Members – improved filters on the members list
BHWeb – Quartets and Choruses – sets buttons correctly after adding new delegate etc ensemble

BHNationalQuals – display contacts and common members
BHNationalQuals – add organisation to Excel output
BHNationalQuals – better naming for output files
BHNationalQuals – ability to list all quartets with any invitational or schools
BHNationalQuals – better updates on individual contests selecting/deselecting qualifiers

BHOrganiser – Sync – Uploads working with WebAPI – change to HTTPClient from HTTPWebRequest
BHWeb – XMLReceive – Uploads working with WebAPI
BHWeb – XMLTransfers - log saving caller user name in addition to IPAddress
BHNationalQuals – so it won’t qualify an invitation or schools quartet
BHNationalQuals – doesn’t round scores up when qualifying quartets

BHOrganiser – Scores – Penalties – bug fix. (Still have to check subsidiary reports)
BHCommon – Archive – ability to save archive to the desktop
BHOrganiser – Help – detailed instructions how to change permissions on a desktop archive

BHWeb – ContestDetails – optionally show only Quartet or Chorus divisions
BHWeb – ContestDetails – allow for unknown ContestType a little more gracefully
BHOrganiser – Sync – bug fix on ContestUpload with DirectAccess connection
ContestTypes Table – new types added to cater for PanPac 2023
BHNationalQuals – minor tweaks to allow for PanPac2023
BHWeb – QuartetEntry4 – cater for PanPac2023 qualifiers
BHWeb – ContestDetails – ensure the first contest is a GroupingOnly
BHWeb – ContestDetails – add non grouping contests only as secondary contests
BHWeb – ContestDetails – prevent deletion of a GroupingOnly contest that has secondaries
BHWeb – ContestDetails – prevent deletion of a contest where the primary has scores
BHOganiser – Penalties – gives a warning to use raw scores if penalty from a scoring judge
BHWeb – CAReview2 – gives option of changing to video entry if click on VideoLink button
BHCommon – Archive/Restore – removed restriction on CAAccess
BHAdmin – Archive/Restore – added restriction on CAAccess previously also for Organiser

BHWeb – CAReview2 – bug fix
BHWeb – ContestTypes – bug fix on cloning a contest type
WebAPI Send – bug fixes in contest uploads
BHWeb – XMLTransfersLog – format tidy
BHWeb – Quartet Entry help had incorrect links
BHOrganiser – Sync – use contests on local computer to set upload contests available
BHCommon – Archive – bug fixes and display enhancement
BHCommon – Archive – ability to restore a contest group not on the local computer
BHWeb – ModifyEntries – added event handlers and display enhancements
BHWeb – ModifyEntries – ability for entrants to change to submitting video entry
BHWeb – ContestEntries – added event handlers and display enhancements

XMLReceive and BHOrganiser Sync uploads to Central database implemented for WebAPI
BHOrganiser – Entrants – Consistency in naming of output pdf files
BHOrganiser – Sync – more consistency with using wait cursor for long actions
ContestTypes – added Schools Upper, Lower and Mixed Choruses and Quartets
BHWeb – Quartets and Choruses – ability to edit Mens, Womens and Mixed flags for Schools
BHWeb – QuartetEntry and ChorusEntry – show Schools flag in CA lists
BHOrganiser – Sync – Select All and Clear All buttons not working properly – fixed
BHOrganiser – Rounds – fix null MikeTestDetails in Activate Tab (not menu item)
BHDataTransfer – Copy Tables fixed
BHDataTransfer – implemented Windows Impersonation
BHWeb – WebGeneral – AdjustMenus updated – Developer rather than ‘jgf’
BHWeb – Performers Admin items put in new folder PerformersAdmin
BHWeb – Bug fix – CAReviewEntry2 - VideoLink emails – going to the wrong person …
BHWeb – Help – bug fix and context specific help added
BHWeb – ContestTypes page added – View only access other than for Developers
BHWeb – MergeEnsembles page added – View only access other than for Developers

BHWeb – XMLTransfersLog.aspx moved to ContestAdmin folder (so login required)
XMLTransfers from server – encrypts and URLSafeBase64 requests to & from server
XMLTransfers from server – request includes callers IP address to prevent reply attacks
BHOrganiser – Sync tab – removes itself and exits if central server not available
BHOrganiser – Sync tab – disabled more buttons and grids during up/down loads
BHCommon – Splash – Copyright includes an & sign which actually displays

2.5.8 – limited release
BHOrganiser Suite – implemented HTTPS data transfers from the central server
BHOrganiser – Sync – downloads implement WebAPI as an option
BHWeb – addition of a WebAPI – downloads only in the meantime and not fully encrypted
BHWeb – addition of XMLTransfersLog to allow monitoring …
BHAdmin, BHSecurity, BHNationalQuals and BHVersionControl all require WindowsAuth connections
BHWeb – XMLTransfers log now created to record WebAPI usage and errors
BHOrganiser – all builds given a new number, not just the release versions.
BHOrganiser suite – moved to VS 2022 and a new installer
BHWeb – Login button not working. (C# conversion fault)

2.5.0 – limited release only
Tables – OrgAccess – add column DeveloperAccess
BHCommon, BHSetup, BHDBUpdate & BHSecurity – use DeveloperAccess column
BHVersionControl – bug fixes
BHCommon – Archive – include QualContests table in archive
BHDataTransfers – include QualContests in All and Entrants module transfers
BHDataTransfers – minor bug fixes and enhancements

BHOrganiser – Sync – selecting either Upload or Download contests clears the other
UpdateFirewall – brought up to latest crypto standards
BHOrganiser – Scores – include appearance order in schedule display
BHOrganiser – Scores – Clear Scores relabelled to Clear All to make it obvious it’s the whole round
BHOrganiser – Scores – Clear One – not yet implemented
BHDataTransfer – bug fixes
BHA and BHNZUpdate – bug fix getting delegates after convention has started
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – removed duplicated contest description in PDF
BHOrganiser – Scores – after cycle songs select first song score
BHOrganiser – Announcements – paginates the pdf correctly!!
BHOrganiser – Announcements – warn if <60 for a medal
BHOrganiser – Judges – get email addresses
BHOrganiser – Scores – selects the latest incomplete round (or final round) on entry to tab
BHOrganiser – Scores – ability to record song durations
BHOrganiser – Scores – more informative display of expected chorus numbers on stage
BHOrganiser – Announcements – force Improvement awards to be first round even if reported later

BHOrganiser – Entrants – Printing Contests count modified primary contest drop down incorrectly
BHCommon – General – update to GetHash to use AES rather than SHA256
BHSecurityParams – ability to update encrypted passwords
BHDBUpdate – update user’s cryptography to AES standards (hashing and encryption)
BHCommon – Options – bug fixes related to changes to using the test server
BHAdmin – JudgingSheets – ability to print blank sheets without dummy names for shadow judges
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – couple of bug fixes
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – report more obvious if used existing data

BHWeb – ModifyChorusList – bug if singer deselected before gender set
BHOrganiser – Entrants – ability to print numbers in individual contests
BHCommon – JudgingSheets – bug fix on Singing sheets (had become singing ….)

BHOrganiser – Entrants – Improvement categories work with new contest structures

BHWeb – Delegates – finished writing it
BHAdmin – Delegates – ability to send emails to choruses depending on contest entry/delegates
BHWeb – new pages XMLReceive and XMLSend – for synchronisation via HTTP
BHOrganiser – Sync – ability to synchronise via HTTP
BHWeb – MaintenanceMode – ability to enable/disable XMLTransfers

BHCommon – Load and SaveRegistryValues – cater for no passwords to encrypt
BHNZUpdate – didn’t save changes to GetNew or Update checkboxes
BHCommon – Options – not changing between live and test servers correctly
BHWeb – ModifyChorusList – complained if non-singers are not delegates or members
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – change ContactIDs to be BHID instead of HarmonySiteID
BHAdmin – Choruses – show contact info not just MDs – layout changes
BHAdmin – Quartets – puts blank rather than Unknown 0 if no contact given
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – ability to suppress EntrantPreviousMembers check for one month
BHOrganiser – Entrants – modified to work with new contests AND qualifiers
BHAdmin – Choruses and Quartet – clicking on MD or Contact email opens a default email
BHAdmin – Choruses and Quartet – click on check boxes to toggle (unless BHA/BHNZ controlled)
BHDataTransfer – now works with Windows impersonation
BHNationalQuals – didn’t ignore AutoEntry contests
BHOrganisers – Entrants – List of Singers (with their ensembles, contests and parts)
BHCommon – further updates to email system to cope with modern authentication
BHDBUpdate – set SMTP parameters to use (as in contests web)
BHOrganiser – Entrants – bug fixes sending CA entrant default or registration contact details
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – show the number of songs and quartet members confirmed so far
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – ability to send selective emails to various groups of qualifiers
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – will not work with choruses any longer

BHOrganiser – Schedule – MakePDF – check for near end of page before Session header

BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – choruses selected on type not typename
BHWeb – ModifyChorusList – bug fix
BHWeb – MaintenanceMode – requiring confirmation of setting this
BHModeChecker – not sending correct URL for reset (with change in server)
BHWeb – Members – ability to mark non BHA/BHNZ members as no longer current
BHCommon – Options – Examines server firewall reservations for port 1433
BHOrganiser – TrafficPattern – bugs if didn’t use default pattern
BHWeb – Register – spelling mistake
BHA and BHNZ Updates – wasn’t getting delegate choruses and quartets correctly

BHWeb – FirewallSettings – displays the actual settings from the registry
BHSetup – Added creation of PartMaps and Parts2Map table (BHCentral only)
BHWeb – QuartetEntry7 – removed repetition of “Quartet members have not been confirmed”
BHWeb – ModifySongs – stop it asking for copyright into (turned off!!)
BHAUpdates and BHNZUpdates – not recognising Novice quartets if partial contest entry in progress
BHCommon – UserDetails – didn’t save the username properly
BHCommon – Options – Ability to view impersonation password
BHSetup – Ability to view impersonation password
BHWeb – moved app installs from separate place on website to within the main code

BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – trap any club/chapter non-numeric member ids
BHDataChecker – includes looking for non BHA and non BHNZ members active in a Club/Chapter
BHWeb – ContestAdmin2 – includes a count at the top of the registrations display
BHWeb – Quartets – member display includes InNationalContest date
BHNationalQuals – further bug fixes and minor mods
BHNationalQuals – able to produce PDF of the qualifiers
BHWeb – QuartetEntry3 – if might be a Novice quartet, asks for confirmation of this
BHWeb – ModifyQuartetMembers – if might be a Novice quartet, asks for confirmation of this
BHWeb and BHOrganiser, Entrant Checks – mod to font size on quartet form and novice info added
BHA and BHNZUpdates – new delegates table, more control over downloads and updates
BHA and BHNZUpdates – able to download delegate data without contest entry restrictions enforced
BHA and BHNZUpdates – map non TLBB quartets to TLBB

BHNationalQuals – add counts at the bottom of the quartets list
BHNationalQuals – minor bug fixes

BHCommon – Options allows for emulating another CA for testing purposes
Tables – Qualifiers – added back OpenContest
BHNationalQuals and BHDBUpdate – allowfor OpenContest added back
BHWeb – SendMail (new class) – modified to use MailKit and work with iiNet
BHWeb – CAReview – if emailing new entry form, says so
BHWeb – Firewall – new page to allow request for entry in firewall
UpdateFirewall – new program to action changes made via BHWeb | Firewall
BHA and BHNZUpdates, BHBackups – changes to schedule
BHNationalQuals – bug fixes and change to have a qualifying score rather than a qualifying number

BHOrganiser – Schedule – uses Logotables() for improved layout if multiple logos
BHOrganiser – Schedule – adding extra ensemble can select 3 song package
BHWeb – ContestAdmin – doesn’t ask for MemberID for chorus size if no chorus size asked
BHWeb – Quartets and Choruses – both now show EnsembleID as well as BHGroupID
BHWeb – CAEntryGroupChange – gives ensemble name and new CG name in opening messages
BHSecurity – bug fix - duplicating records and causing problems
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – improved calculation of ages in years
BHOrganiser – get updates for OrgUsers and OrgAccess on every startup
BHOrganiser – Menu item – Repair Rounds (table)

BHWeb – QuartetEntry3 – ByPassMembers not enabled if quartet is OK
BHWeb – Qualifiers – updated display to reflect new data (and contests) structures
BHWeb – Chorus & QuartetEntry7 and ModifyEntries – check Note2CA not > 500 chars
BHOrganiser – Results – multiple selections minor bug fixes
BHOrganiser – Results – unique naming of a multiple selection pdf output file
BHWeb – ChorusEntry and QuartetEntry – allow a CAProxy to continue an entry
BHWeb – ChorusEntry2 and QuartetEntry2 – trap certain CA contest setup errors
BHWeb – ChorusEntry3 and QuartetEntry3 – implement actually locking genders!
BHWeb – ModifyChorusList – the same – double duh.
Members database – locked gender for RegistrationMembers entries after 1 Jan 2022
BHWeb – Scoring2 – Reset and Enable All Scoring buttons available for all CAs
BHWeb – Scoring2 – now works with a three song set
BHWeb – ModifySongs – requested copyright details (not just composer etc.) regardless
BHWeb – ModifyEntries – notes to the CA had a silly and incorrect title.
BHInstaller – added comment about enabling NamedPipes and TCP/IP for SQL Server
BHOrganiser – TrafficPattern – naming of PDF file
BHOrganiser – Entrants – gives a warning to import BH Group Data
BHOrganiser – Schedule – gives a warning if not all accepted entrants in schedule
BHOrganiser – Results – removed extra line in Invitation (3Songs) results

BHWeb – Memberdatabase renamed Members. (Adjustment to WebHelp table)
BHWeb – Help – completed
BHWeb – Scoring – some primitive handling of penalties
BHOrganiser – Sync – bug fix – setting load direction radio buttons
BHOrganiser – Results – bug fix missing contest types
BHOrganiser – Announcements – bug fix missing contest type
BHOrganiser – Schedule – bugfix – AddFirst/Last left nulls in table
BHOrganiser – Schedule – bugfix – failed to remove now deleted entrant
BHCommon – General – not saving CGSpecific directory correctly
BHOrganiser – JudgingSheets – bug fix for choruses

BHNZ Updates – bug fix regarding expiry dates
BHWeb – Members – standardised on MemberType=’Member’, Level=’[Organisation]’
BHWeb – new members – setting a sensible initial gender
Databases – tidied up missing genders, MemberTypes and MemberLevels for non BHA/BHNZ
BHWeb – Quartets – new - setting sensible defaults for Current, Invitational and Schools
BHWeb – Help – sections on Scoring added.
BHWeb – ModifyEntries and CAReview2 – videolinks changes bug fixes
BHWeb – CAReview2 – Send Email – bug fix so picks up correct registration
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – bug fix checking all contest types exist
BHOrganiser – Rounds – bug fix on changing session times
BHCommon – GetCommonMembers – could leave null values in CMDisplay
BHCommon – Options – bug fix checking if limited to using training mode

2.4.0 – 20 April 2022
BHOrganiser – Rounds – could attempt to update Schedule table which was not open
BHA and BHNZUpdates – fault in GetSqlInt if multiple music directors – fixed
BHOrganiser – Scores – ModifySongTitle now updated to use CopyrightTypes table
BHOrganiser – Scores – Penalties – minor changes tidying up display of dialog box
BHOrganiser – Scores – bugs in comparing scores for multi-round contests
BHOrganiser – Finalists – could select competitors in single round only contests
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – a number of bugs fixed. Assign All options improved.
BHCommon – InitialiseHelp – transferred from BHOrganiser for multiple modules
BHOrganiser – Help completed for both manual and context sensitive help
BHCommon – Options – ability to change the logged in user and/or a password.
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – bug fixes in Show Qual Contests button and adding a Qualifier
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – one off routine to populate qualifying scores back to 2019
BHAdmin – Members, Clubs, Quartets, Choruses & Affiliations – removed non HS updates
BHAdmin – Quartets – removed members view – minor appearance changes
BHCommon – Options – Warn if changing from training but user training only
BHCommon – Change to authenticating users against the production db in training mode
BHWeb – Change to using BHWeb for application pool
BHAdmin – CAs – bug fix when assigning a new CA
BHWeb – General – modified to use Windows Authentication mode only
Databases – turned off SQLServer authentication mode. Added IIUSR to databases
BHCommon – Options – Accept user change without need to change password
BHWeb – Change to using Windows Authentication for SQL Server
BHCommon – Options – Mods to allow Username and Password for Windows Auth
BHSetup – modifications to allow for and to set up Windows Auth
BHCommon – General – opening connections with Windows Auth
BHDBUpdate – Changes to using Windows Authentication
BHWeb – Change to authenticating users against the production db in training mode
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – modified to use Windows Authentication
BHWeb – ContestGroups – permanently suppressing other than composers(s) and arranger
BHWeb – QuartetEntry5 – bug fix in song duration
BHWeb – QuartetEntry5 – label changed from [song] Copyright to Details
BHWeb – QuartetEntry3 – new button for QuartetMembersBypass
BHWeb – CAReview2 – Viewing PDF modified to response.redirect not a script
BHWeb – ChorusEntry7 and QuartetEntry7 – includes note to CA if members bypassed
BHWeb – CE7 and QE7 – includes note to CA if song details incomplete
BHWeb – CE7 and QE7 – bug fixes on Note to CA
BHWeb – CAReview2 – highlights a Note2CA in red (not just including the button)
BHWeb – ModifyEntries – enhanced labels on current operating mode
BHWeb – ModifyEntries – redirects quartet members update to new pages ModifyQuartetMembers and MQM2 – implements confirming quartet members at a later date than primary contest entry
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – Copyright Info tab changed to Song Details and info reqd reduced
Databases – Quartets table – Mens field added, female changed to Womens
Databases – Choruses table – Mens and Seniors fields added, female changed to Womens
Databases – ContestTypes table – new column GenderBlindContest
Databases – ContestTypes table – new column MatrixAbbreviation
Databases – Members – new fields GenderDivision, LockedGender and GenderLockDate
Databases – Choruses and Quartets – new cols GenderDivision, LG and GLD as for Members
Databases – ContestTypes – 30 odd new contests added!!
Databases – ContestsTypes – validity fields can have multiple values, eg “novice;mixed”
BHDBUpdate – implementing EIH changes to Choruses, Quartets, ContestTypes and Members tables
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – cater for EIH changes in Choruses and Quartets tables
BHWeb – QuartetEntry and ChorusEntry – ‘Female’ changed to ‘Womens’
BHWeb – QuartetEntry4 and ChorusEntry4 – accepts multi-value validity fields in ContestTypes
BHWeb – ContestGroups – bug fix – not initialised EntPrevUpload in OrgAccess
BHOrganiser – Entrants – significant changes to RegisterEnsemble to cope with new structures
BHOrganiser – Entrants – significant changes to DisplayRegistrants to cope with new structures
BHWeb – Quartets AND Choruses – changed female to Womens and added a Mens checkbox
BHWeb – Quartets and Choruses – display division locking and added unlocking functionality
BHWeb – Choruses – added ability to have a senior category
BHWeb – MembersDatabase – display gender locking and added unlocking functionality
BHWeb – ChorusEntry and QuartetEntry – detects gender changes and complains as reqd
BHWeb – ChorusEntry3 – ability to ByPass Chorus List for both regionals and nationals
BHWeb – ModifyChorusList and ModifyQuartetMembers detect gender changes
BHQuartetChecker …..
BHWeb – CAReview2 – accepts multi-value validity fields in ContestTypes table
BHWeb – CAReview2 – Change Contests – works with new contest structures
BHWeb – CAEntryReview2 – ContestChange – only permitted if entry actually submitted
BHWeb – CAEntryReview2 – ContestChange – display contests in DisplayOrder
BHWeb – CAEntryReview2 – ContestChange – minor bug fixes in contest selection
BHA and BHNZUpdate – Novice flag set for quartets on each update
BHWeb – Quartets – Novice flag no longer enabled for BHNZ (Flag in Organisations table) XXXXX
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – ability to update BHCentraining (and not just BHCentral)
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – ready notice and report both specify catalog and database
BHWeb – Chorus & QuartetEntry7 – didn’t count songs or members submitted correctly
BHWeb – Chorus & QuartetEntry7 – didn’t delete note to CA if songs/members now correct
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – gives all three gender counts (and warning for invalid gender)
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – toggles show ages and national quartet participation
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – updated descriptions for and reorganisation of ensemble details
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – improved checking of contest validities
BHWeb – many places on 4 pages – corrected &nbrsp; to  
BHQuartetChecker – renamed BHDataChecker
BHDataChecker – added ability to check for valid genders and dates of birth
BHDataTransfer – added capability to copy single (not CG specific) tables
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks - capable of handling the BHNZ Small Chapter Chorus contest
BHWeb – ChorusEntry & QuartetEntry – failed if user logged out partway through
BHWeb – rewritten and more comprehensive context sensitive help system
BHWeb – ChorusEntry and QuartetEntry – showed all quartets for any judge, not just CAs
Database – Invitational cannot be Mens, Mixed, Womens, Senior or Youth - just invitational
Quartets and Choruses – Mens, Mixed, Womens, Senior and Youth edits disabled for invitational
BHWeb – bugs in adding invitational choruses and quartets
BHWeb – Choruses and Quartets – ability to set gender division for delegate ensembles
Databases – ContestGroups – added columns – GetChorusSize and ChorusSizeEmailMemberID
BHAdmin and BHWeb – ContestGroups – get values for GetChorusSize and member email
BHWeb – GetChorusSize implements – gives uses ChorusEntry3a if being requested
BHDBUpdate and BHSetup – implementing GetChorusSize and ChorusSizeEmailMemberID
Databases – removed BHA&Members, Chorus, Delegates, Members and Quartet ImportTables
BHSetup, BHCommon, BHORganiser – removed references and procedures related to Import tables
BHAdmin – removed controls and code for importing BHA/BHNZ data from Excel spreadsheets
BHWeb – WebGeneral – new function GetOpenPDFResponse – opens PDF in new tab
BHWeb – ModuleInstall - copies of Admin, Organiser and Web Help available
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – for choruses, look at both club and ensemble expiry dates
BHDataChecker extended to check some chorus validities
BHWeb – AdjustMenus – bug fix wrt Review or Modify Entries menu item

BHOrganiser – Entrants – ability to produce list of Entrant Contacts
BHOrganiser – Entrant Checks – removed Fee from entrant display grid
BHOrganiser – Entrant Checks – disabled buttons allowing ensemble member changes
BHOrganiser – Entrant Checks – bug fix for radio button Show Registrants
BHOrganiser – Entrant Checks – removed ability to change ensembles – now via website
BHOrganiser – Help System – half written

BHAdmin – ContestGroups – error text cleared if second attempt to change things successful
BHAdmin – ContestGroups – button rearrangement to make need for Update button press clearer
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – members expiry also toggles to give age.
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – AgeCriteria label moved to more prominent position
BHOrganiser – Scores – warning that ties are not broken in the running total
BHOrganiser – pdfs now available for Name Plates, Announcements (incl certificates), Evaluations (Schedules) and TrafficPattern
BHOrganiser – Results – ability to produce Excel results in Playlist format
BHJudgeAnalysis – cater for extremes of intercept and/or slope on regression analysis
BHJudgeAnalysis – bug fixes – category selection ALL didn’t work
BHCommon – Options – bug fix – not setting CGPDFDirectory correctly
BHCommon – new switch BCCEmails
BHOrganiser – Results – ability to email individual competitor results
BHOrganiser – Results – competitor results processed in separate thread
BHOrganiser – Sync – rewrite of download of ensemble photos from HarmonySite
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – ability to resize photos too large for Competitor Reports
BHOrganiser – Sync – gives warning for oversize ensemble photos

BHNationalQuals – bug fix - looks back 8 months, but excludes National Contests
BHWeb – new forms to show Scoring Progress
BHWeb – ContestAdmin2 – ability to change registrant mobile and email
BHWeb – ModifySongs – ability to change the order
BHWeb – WebUsers – ability to change BHMemberID (for BHMemberID>=200000)

BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – ability to change song order
BHWeb – Scoring2 – ability to enable scoring for all entrants at once
BHWeb – Scoring2 – ability to suppress the autorefresh via web.config
BHWeb – Scoring2 – video link visible at all times, not just when entering a score

BHWeb – SiteMaster – new menu item ‘Maintenance Mode’ available for root CAs
BHWeb – OrgUsers – bug fix on search if use BH ID or member not found
BHWeb – CAReview2 – ability to either copy or move an entry to another CG
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – produce separate EntryForms for all entrants
BHOrganiser – Entrants – clicking on a contact email includes the ensemble name in the subject
BHWeb – register.aspx – might now cope with umlauts in a surname (will need to look at reset etc)

BHWeb – Quartets – display dates of birth for quartet members
BHWeb – ChorusLists – allows for chorus to fill more than one page
BHWeb – Note2CA – bug fix so that email sends.
BHQuartetChecker – finds mislabelled senior and youth quartets
BHWeb – ModifyEntries – sends an email when video link is updated
BHCommon – Options – PDFDirectory gives all ContestGroups on the local DB, not just recent ones
BHOrganiser – Results – forms upgraded to iText 7
BHOrganiser – Entrants – can print a contest entrant list with any video links
BHOrganiser – Entrants – can give list of emails for entrants with no video links but is video entry

BHAdmin – Qualifiers – manually added ensemble left some new fields NULL
BHWeb – QuartetEntry2 – bug as a result of change to Intl Prelim in contesttypes table

BHAdmin – Qualifiers – fixed fault in adding an extra quartet manually
BHBackup – skip (with a count) any tables not in CreateTables class without an error
BHOrganiser – fix bug in Schedules if change existence of mike test in Rounds
BHOrganiser – forms working in Schedule and Results (latter not fully tested/complete)
BHWeb – CAReview2 – checkbox VLnk ticked if a video link has been submitted
BHA and BHNZUpdates – classify ensembles by [type] not [typename]
BHOrganiser – Scores – bug in RecalculateScores in multi-round contests
BHOrganiser – Entrants – changes to allow for Mens and Womens(BHNZ)/Invitational(BHA)
Tables – ContestTypes – Intl Prelim Contest given validity field Intl (in case quartet not also in Mens)

Tables – Needed to keep IntlContest in Qualifiers table after all – put back
BHDBUpdate, BHCommon and BHWeb – cater for IntlContest column in Qualifiers
BHQuartetChecker – also gives quartets where one or more members does not have a valid gender
BHBackup – ignores tables created by BHQuartetChecker in case they have not been deleted
BHNationalQuals – formatting of pdf of qualifiers list
BHAdmin – judging sheets and slips pdf updated to iText 7 – name plates to come
BHCommon – wasn’t saving PDF general directory correctly
BHNationalQuals – Tidied up distinction between Intl and Eval to cater for BHA/BHNZ differences
BHAdmin – Qualifiers - ditto
BHWeb – Home page allows for different CAs for different primary contests
BHCommon – DisplayCommonMembers moved here from just being in BHOrganiser
BHNationalQuals – ability to display details about common members
BHWeb – CAEntryReview2 – easier to view/check/change video links
BHOrganiser – Entrants and EntrantsChecks – forms updated to using iText7
BHWeb – ChorusEntry & QuartetEntry – now correct ensemble name on duplicate entry error
BHAUpdate – cut chorus quartets not aligned with BHA

BHNationals – uses updated Qualifiers table
BHOrganiser – allows it to Archive a local contest if version control prevents it running otherwise

BHWeb – Quartets – displays gender of the singers
BHInstaller – BHDBUpdate included again
BHQuartetChecker – new program

Table - Qualifiers – new column – QualifyingScore
Table – Qualifiers – IntlContest renamed EvalContest
BHCommon & BHWeb – OpenTables modified for Qualifiers
DBUpdate – updates user Qualifier tables
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – able to sort by qualifying score
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – displays qualifying score
BHOrganiser – Scores – didn’t always update score changes into the results table
BHWeb – throughout – changed from iTextSharp to iText7 pdf writer
BHWeb – minor bugs here and there
Tables – Songs – rogue entry removed
BHAdmin – able to print qualifiers list

BHTransferData – new program to extract a ContestGroup from a backup etc..
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – Change from Open to Mens, Intl to Eval
Note that no PDF files can be produced in this version

BHOrganiser – bugs in CG Upload which uploaded wrong CG
BHCentral – Update of PenaltyTypes to reflect BHS changes
BHOrganiser – Penalty – default changed to using the BHS Article as reference
BHCommon – Scoring slips – spacing for songs reduced to fit music penalties
BHCommon - Scoring slips – generic slips for 3 songs given different file name
BHOrganiser – More buttons disabled when round complete (to stop fiddling!)
BHOrganiser – Judges’ Analysis – penalty handling corrected and display enhanced
BHOrganiser – Results sheet – no penalties on secondary contests where not applicable
BHWeb – ContestAdmin – CG display can be either date or alpha order
BHOrganiser – Sync – checks CG has contests before up or downloading
BHOrganiser – Results and Scores – added code to give line number for fault

BHOrganiser – Setup tab now styled Sync
Tables – Qualifiers – OpenContest renamed MensContest, WomensContest added
DBUpdate, BHSetup, BHCommon – cater for changes in Qualifiers table
BHBackup – keeps a weekly backup in addition to the daily transient ones
BHBackup – email report gives update on any changes to ContestGroups
BHAdmin, Common, NationalQuals, Organiser – properly separated the PDFDirectory (used by BHAdmin) from CG user specific PDFDirectories – moved to use registry not ContestGroups table
BHNationalQuals – caters for Women’s quartets
BHNationalQuals – now can show any quartet common members
BHAdmin – removed from standard install package

BHSetup – failed to create the EnsemblePhotos table. (DBUpdate did)
BHOrganiser – Evaluations and Schedule – further bug fixes on common members
BHOrganiser – Scores – WebScores button now downloads changed songs order as well
BHOrganiser – Results – Print4Comps gave song1 scores for both songs
BHOrganiser – Results – Print4Comps gives warning if attempt to do so to Excel
BHOrganiser – Results – Print4Judges – file names changed to “..JudgesAnalysis..”
BHSecurity – upgrades to allow for permissions at primary contest not just group level
BHSecurity – bug fixes and enhancements – cellcontent_click completes edits implicitly
BHCommon – General – CloseAllTables didn’t – needed updating
BHCommon – Archive – new tables in suite added to those processed
BHOrganiser – Rounds – tidy up of code and enhance reliability
BHWeb – ContestGroups – not enabling Submit for contest details unless CARoot
BHOrganiser – Rounds – deletes secondary contest rounds which can occur by error/change
BHWeb – ContestGroups – deletes rounds and sessions with dates in the year 4039 or so
BHOrganiser – Setup – checks same contests in both local and central copies for uploads as well
BHCommon – Options – implemented ability to enter new username and password
BHOrganiser – many places – main screen gives name of current user (next to copyright info)
BHOrganiser – Setup – allows download/upload of a single primary contest as well for the contestgroup as a whole
BHOrganiser – Scores – finally found the index 0 bug!!

BHOrganiser – Schedule and Evaluations – common member display can be just for clashes
BHOrganiser – JudgingSheets – able to produce judging sheets as separate files for multi-panels

BHOrganiser – Evaluations – bug fix for showing common members
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – bug fix clicking on common members

BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – ability to add songs if none in the system already
BHOrganiser – Entrants – bug fix re CopyrightType – further to 2.2.0 mods
BHWeb – default button action added to MembersDatabase, Scoring2, Chorus5, Quartet5, Affiliations, Login, Register, ChangePassword, ForgottenUserName, ResetPassword
BHWeb – Scoring2 – turns off autorefresh on certain button clicks to improve performance
BHWeb – Scoring2 – bug fix – showing scoring slip to CA when judge not selected
BHWeb – OrgUsers – search and better editing (including password) facilities added
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks - ability to save changes made in Organiser back into registrations
BHOrganiser – Schedule – bug fix – didn’t like a video first, not in traffic pattern and no mike test
BHOrganiser – many places – update PDFDirectory as change ContestGroup selection
BHOrganiser – Schedule – bug fix for common member PDF

BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – videolinks not working properly

BHOrganiser – Checkpoint bug fix
BHOrganiser – Entrants – CommonMembers bugs fixed
BHOrganiser – Entrants – bug producing entrant contacts email list fixed
BHOrganiser – Scores – WebScores import bug fixed

BHWeb – Register trims names and email address and ignores email casing
BHWeb – Members – layout modification to display whole of email address
BHWeb – Members – bug fix – adding non BH folk with an apostrophe (‘) in their surname

BHSetup – developer mode saved wrong registry value if used to create local copy of BHCentral
BHOrganiser – Traffic Pattern – could give fault if no round selected
BHWeb – WebGeneral Put..Forms didn’t always get the signedby or signeddate correct
BHWeb – Would not allow entries the day before the closing date ….
BHOrganiser – Setup detects invalid phone numbers
BHOrganiser – Checkpoints added to imports
BHWeb – only now writes web.config in Load if changed and avoids conflict between users
BHWeb – Scoring2 – bug fixes – contests incorrect and clearing results after scoring …
BHWeb – Scoring2 – ability for CA to record number on stage for a chorus.
BHWeb – Scoring2 – displays OnStageTime in the EntryMatrix (for CAs)

BHOrganiser – Setup – bug fixes in photo downloads
BHWeb – WebGeneral modified to become a class with OpenTables as subclass – public variables had been shared rather than Public only within the instance. Duh.
BHWeb – Scoring2 – reorganisation of screen and turning on autorefresh more appropriately
BHWeb – Scoring2 – Stresstesting implemented – includes web.config key of same name
Database – Scores – new column Confirmed – set to 1 in Scoring2 when judge happy with score
Database – Scores – new column Scoring – set to 1 when CA has opened on-line scoring
BHWeb – Scoring2 – implementing use of columns Confirmed and Scoring
BHWeb – Scoring2 – bug fixes especially the progress and ranking displayed for entrants
BHOrganiser (Scores, Results, Penalites), BHScoreTester, BHAnalysis, BHWeb and DBUpdate, DBBackup – all modified to use updated Scores table
BHSecurity – bug fixes – making OrgAccess records for new CAs for a contest
BHOrganiser – JudgingSheets – Excel spreadsheet for backup scoring
To come – BHOrganiser – Report – ability to email competitor reports
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – forced to accept (what should have been) valid mail server certificate with valid certification root for SSL with MailKit. (And catered for HS data error).
BHOrganiser – Judges – if deleting a judge, deletes any scores already recorded against the judge
BHOrganiser – Scores – bug fix to not give an error if a judge is missing
BHJudgeAnalysis – modified to use Ian Mulholland’s spreadsheet
BHWeb – Chorus7 – wasn’t saving the form names …
BHWeb – Chorus7 and Quartet7 – required browser allowed scripts – restriction removed
BHWeb – ModuleInstaller – download package renamed as BHInstaller.msi
BHOrganiser – Scores – WebScores modified to work with multi-round contests
BHOrganiser – Scores – WebScores – can now either import all scores or just new scores
Datatables – CopyrightTypes – to cater more easily for additional type eg One Music Licence
BHWeb – Chorus5, Quartet5, ModSongs – copyright option of covered by One Music Licence
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – Song & Video links put in a tab control and incl CopyrightTypes table
BHDBUpdate – modifies CopyrightTypes type and values to account for One Music Licence
BHOrganiser – Setup and General to allow for new table CopyrightTypes
BHSetup – bug fix and new table CopyrightTypes
BHWeb – ContestGroups, Chorus5, Quartet5, ModSongs – bug fix regarding Copyright/Duration
BHVersionControl – change of philosophy to use minor and build versions more appropriately
BHCommon – CalendarItems – updated to use MailKit

BHAdmin – CA List – current CA checkbox now toggles
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – gets email report distribution list from registry (instead of hard coded.
BHUpdateEmailList – new app for jgf use to change BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate emails lists
BHOrganiser – changes to display of common members Entrants (common contests not MDs), Schedule and Evals (irrespective of contests and incl MDs)
BHOrganiser – warnings of different common members – message can be suppressed for one month
BHOrganiser – clicking on a common member display gives list of common member(s)
BHOrganiser – Schedule – increased common members display to allow for up to six others
BHSecurity – bug fixes
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – fixed bug in rooms/judges which affected BHA Nationals 2019!!
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – extra CHECKPOINT included at beginning (as well as at the end).
Databases – New table OnlineScoring. Scores – new column OLSStatus
BHWeb – Includes fees in the email sent to registrants
BHWeb – Online Scoring system added
BHOrganiser – bug fixes in Rounds and Schedules
BHWeb – allow selection of training mode in test mode
BHWeb – if registering as a user in training mode, sends link back to CATraining URL
BHWeb – ContestGroup admin – display sub-optimal if no current contest groups
BHAdmin – CADetails – adding new CA didn’t populate Affiliation or CurrentJudge in Judges table
BHWeb – Scoring – only allow judges (incl Cas unless CARoot) assigned to a particular contest to look at the scoring for that contest
BHWeb – Register – stop a member registering with a second user name
BHWeb – Scoring – a new feature allowing on-line scoring by remote judges
BHWeb – Quartet and Chorus entry – improvemed consistency in Back & Next buttons
Databases – new tables RegistrationVideos and EntrantVideos
Databases – ContestAdmin – new field VideoEntriesOnly
BHWeb – Quartet and Chorus entry – improvements in handling video entries and links
BHOrganiser – Setup, Entrants and EntrantChecks – handle video links
BHNZUpdate – bug fix – broken!
BHOrganiser – Scores – ability to import new scores from website judging for a particular round
BHAdmin – ContestAdmin – bug fix – broke if no current contest
BHOrganiser – Results – bug fix – null reference on entry
BHOrganiser – Scores – ability to download new online scores (rather than using Setup)
BHOrganiser – Scores – bug fix OLSStatus
Visual Studio – Updated to V16 (2019) – including new installer
.Net Framework – Updated to 4.7.2
Whole suite – change of primary target to x64 (only)
BHJudgeAnalysis – included in the new install package.
BHOrganiser – Reports – Competitor reports including photos from BHA/BHNZ website(ds)
BHOrganiser – Setup – ability to download ensemble photos from BHA/BHNZ website
Database – new table EnsemblePhotos – details of ensemble photos on BHA/BHNZ website
BHAUpdate, BHNZUpdate, BHDBUpdate, BHCommon, Organiser|Setup – changes to implement new table
BHOrganiser and BHAdmin – new option in Options to select a directory for any downloaded ensemble photos

Databases – column RoundNbr added to both TrafficPattern and TrafficSequence
BHOrg – TrafficPattern and Schedule to allow different patterns in different rounds
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – reports active members and current ensembles as well as totals
BHOrg – Entrants – speed up of Refresh and Redo All so doesn’t time out
BHOrg – Entrants – couple of wait cursors on longer processes
BHOrg – JudgingSheets – doesn’t get stuck in endless loop
BHOrg – Evaluations – added some error checking on the schedule
BHOrg – Scores – bugs removed from Excel spreadsheet output
BHSMTPParams – new application – jgf use only on server
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – using MailKit rather than native System.Net.Mail
BHOrg – Scores – Could show round 1 incomplete even though round 2 complete
BHOrg – Scores – Warning put on Modify Song Title
BHWeb – Default – didn’t give entry dates correctly if some contests still TBA
BHWeb – ContestAdmin – if no entry date given on setup, defaults to 1 Jan 3000 – displays as TBA
BHWeb – ChorusEntry and QuartetEntry – show female groups
BHAdmin – ContestTypes – displayorder works properly with move up and down
BHOrganiser – Results – update to tie breaking rule. NOTE – announcements and evals to look at still. In scores, the progress tally does not consider ties at all
BHOrganiser – many tabs – warns rather than just failing if PDF output directory not found

BHOrg – Schedule – easier to delete an extra ensemble
BHOrg – Results – should give warning for Improved etc.. if not all entrants on round 1
BHOrg – Scores – Cycle songs doesn’t corrupt results

BHOrg and BHCommon – better error processing if unable to delete a a judging form
BHOrg - JudgingSheets – didn’t work for single judge name plate (if not first judge)
BHSetup – didn’t create EntrantQualifyingMembers
BHAdmin – missed out one of the new music penalties HAVE I DONE THIS??
BHOrg – Results – was a little precious on finals scores in quartet semi-final results
BHOrg – Setup – minor bug fixes

BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – Club/Members at Large quartets given the wrong location
BHOrg – JudgingSheets – failed if PDF open
BHOrg – EntrantChecks – Entry forms – no intentionally blank page if chorus list >~55
BHCommon – Archive (Retrieve) – checks table structure in destination to ensure no changes
BHScoreTester – doesn’t complain in first round if only two songs given for two round contest
BHScoreTester – clears added song titles when entrant has two songs only in multi-round contest
BHOrg – Announcements – multiple little bug fixes. Interludes split into two types
BHOrg – Announcements – can override warning and make an award prior to scores being available
BHWeb – ChorusList3 and ModifyChorusList – adding a ring-in makes them a non-singer not blank
BHWeb – ChorusList3 and ModifyChorusList – highlight erroneous part labels as ERROR
BHOrg – AverageAges – bug if ring-in not listed properly

Not released.

BHOrg – EntrantChecks – now only advises if QualifyingMembers not populated for quartets
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – refreshing ensemble location and region info from club data
BHOrg – Entrants – gives proper error message if unable to delete existing pdf
BHOrg – Evaluations – selects panel size if nothing set based on panel size. Duh
BHOrg – Evaluations – allows break lengths as short as 2 mins (to allow chorus changes)
BHAdmin – JudgingSheets – changes in support of new formats
BHCommon – JudgingSheetsPDF – changes in support new formats
BHOrg – Entrants – finally got annoyed with “copy OF” in a message box – now “copy of”
BHOrg – Entrants – no longer asks about EntrantPreviousMembers for choruses only quartets
BHAdmin – Delegates – making a member sets InNationalQuartet=0
BHWeb – MembersDatabase – making a member sets InNationalQuartet=0
BHWeb – ModifyChorusList – the code to stop adding a non delegate also stopped removing them!
BHWeb – ChorusList – same problem
BHOrg – Entrants and EntrantChecks – wait cursor set when printing forms
BHOrg – EntrantChecks – made printing entry forms with logos much faster
BHOrg – EntrantChecks – better balancing of logos on entry forms if there are 2
BHOrg – Schedule and Judging Sheets – final attempt to get contestant numbers correct!

BHOg – EntrantChecks – now BOTH ensures total age > 240 AND no one under 55 yo.
BHOrg – Entrants – gives message registering ensemble if there are qualifiers for the contest but entrant is not qualified for one of the registration contests.
BHWeb – ContestReview2 – any email with a new form now has Quartet or Chorus in the subject (rather than Chorus for all entries!)
BHOrg – EntrantChecks – no longer highlights novice quartet members in a chorus list
BHOrg – startup – doesn’t allow operation if database not updated
BHOrg – Schedule – MC Notes – if extra chorus or quartet gets director and quartet names from affiliations (while rest of schedule gets them from EntrantMembers table)
BHOrg – EntrantChecks – failed if PreviousMembers and QualifyingMembers not populated
BHOrg – EntrantChecks – also advises if PreviousMembers and QualifyingMembers not populated
BHOrg – Entrants – SongsList – columns mixed up after a page break

Databases – new table EntrantQualifyingMembers – structure and data of existing
Databases – EntrantPreviousMembers – refers to previous national contest
Databases – Members – new column – InNationalQuartet – year of first national quartet contest
Databases – ContestGroups - IsNationalContest
BHOrg – Results – APRA report will work if entrant or song withdrawn
BHNationalQuals – puts quartet members qualifying in regionals in EntrantQualifyingMembers table
BHNationalQuals – recognises more type of Quartet Qualification …
BHOrg – EntrantChecks – renamed Get Last Year gets both scores and previous quartet members
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – ability to populate EntrantQualifyingMembers
BHAdmin – ContestGroups – implements IsNationalContest
BHAdmin – Members – populates InNationalQuartet (for previous years National Contests)
BHOrg – Setup – includes import and upload of EntrantQualifyingMembers
BHWeb – ContestGroups – implement IsNationalContest
BHWeb – Members and BHAdmin – Members – implement InNationalQuartet (back to 2016)
BHCommon – DataGridCells – Classes renamed to DataGridViewTextXXXBoxColumn
BHOrg – displays quartet members with no previous on=stage experience at a National Contest
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – to allow for InNationalQuartet column
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – to cater for NULL value for country in delegate registration

BHOg – Setup – Download registrations also downloads qualifiers
BHWeb – Login – corrects, if necessary, the casing of the user name to that in OrgUsers. (Effect was in Review/Modify Entries where user couldn’t see his/her entries if logged on with different casing)
BHWeb – SiteMaster – SignOut button actually works
BHWeb – all places – emails from BHA and BHNZ Contest Webite (not just BHA)
BHWeb – ContestReview2 – improved layout and button visibility
BHWeb – Songs pages – more explicit instructions on what is required for Copyright Detail box
BHCommon – Options – didn’t reopen cnSQL properly if changing central server
BHAdmin – Delegates – warns if attempting a match with different BHIDs
BHOrg – Entrants – Accept All doesn’t refresh Entrants grid for each entrant – faster
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – Accept HarmonySite casing (and no longer proper casing names)

BHWeb – CAReview2 – heading gives RegistrantName (and webuser name)
BHOrg – Setup – put all ADO and data components variables in threads for increased reliability
BHOrg – Setup – download registrations put in a thread
BHOrg – Rounds – changing round startdate changes associated session dates
BHOrg – Rounds – allows session to run past midnight (but only a little) else error
BHOrg – Rounds – session start date changed to read only as a consequence
BHOrg – Rounds – sessions could have null values and concurrency errors
BHOrg – Schedule – MikeTest now always order 0 and first contestant (or extra) order 1
BHOrg – Schedule – improved output if rounds or sessions not set up yet

Not formally released.

BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – affiliations no longer including former members of quartets
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – maintains MemberID for manually added delegate members
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – checkpoint on BHAData and BHNZData added
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – automatic membership and affiliations disabled for non BHA or BHNZ delegates – see mods to BHAdmin - Delegates
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – BHID set to 0 for partner etc.. delegates so can’t match real ones
BHAdmin – Delegates – Ability to filter by affiliations (both BHA/BHNZ and specified by delegate)
BHAdmin – Delegates – Bug fixes in making members out of delegates
BHAdmin – Delegates – Ability to create affiliations for delegates
BHAdmin – Delegates – showing all includes the validity and payments fields
BHInstaller – installation name changed to BHOrganiser
BHWeb – ContestDetails – allows more than one contest to have multiple rounds
Database – ContestType Intl Quartet Qualification added, existing one restyled IQQ (Eval)
BHWeb – ContestReview2 – ability to make and/or email a new entry, chorus list or songs form
BHWeb – ContestReview2 – opens entry, chorus list or songs form in a new tab
BHWeb – ModifyEntries – now only shows current entries, not historical ones
BHWeb – Qualifiers – now functional - largely duplicates BHAdmin but with view only
BHWeb – Delegates – now functional – largely duplicates BHAdmin but with view only
BHDBUpdate – omitted modifying Delegates to rename Package as PriceLevel
BHAdmin – Delegates – display all columns in all filter modes

BHWeb – ChorusList7, QuartetList7, ModifySongs1&2 and ModifyChorusList1&2 – email states using test server and file name includes Loc_ where applicable NEEDS TO BE TESTED
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – had been interfering with each other and trashing half the other group’s delegates – and had a problem with the first delegate registered in either country.
BHAUpdate – delyouth(e) and delsudent(e) are being used as registration codes!!
BHBackup – takes backup database off line after being created so is backed up by NTBackup
BHNZUpdate – youthnoneb and youthnon registration codes added
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – more information on delegate registrations
BHAdmin – Delegates – display separates Not Full and Not Paid. Refreshes counts with changes
BHAdmin – Delegates – Making and reverting payment status matches/unmatches in the process
BHWeb – MemberDatabase - members not displaying correctly in training mode
BHWeb – any submit pages – adds Loc to PDF name for song/chorus-list mods on test server
BHOrg – Results – will break a tie for first place – but for other ties, is only in alpha order (BHA rule)
Database – ContestGroups – column add ContestGroupOrganisation – with mod to BHDBUpdate
BHWeb – ContestGroups - ability to set ContestGroupOrganisation
BHAdmin – ContestGroups – ability to set ContestGroupOrganisation
BHOrg – Every tab – get ContestGroupOrganisation from table and set sOrganisationName
BHCommon – Options – setting OrganisationName removed; also removed from RegistryValues
BHAdmin – swapping between tabs could produce initiation faults
BHOrg – Contests – finally found where MikeTestDetails is set to NULL!!
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – now imports HarmonySite’s revised quartets and choruses
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – cleans up people such as JohnD who said he came from Afghanistan and all Kiwis who come from NewZealand (one word) this year
BHAdmin – Delegates – quartets now displaying properly in the list of delegates

Databases – various delegates tables – Package to PriceLevel, OrgUsers LastChange and ChangeBy
BHAdmin, and both BHUpdates – reflect Mark’s change to HarmonySite Package to PriceLevel –
BHNationalQuals – ability to select only (potential) qualifiers
BHNationalQuals – ability to display contact info and send email to selected quartets
BHWeb – ability to bypass submitting a chorus list when contest has a delegate list
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – bug fix in adding qualifiers manually with new fields.
BHOrg – many modules – consistent extra fields added to Results table
BHOrg – Scores – failed if tried to modify a song or add a penalty before entry in Results table created
BHOrg – Entrants – AcceptAll, RedoAll and RefreshAll updates Results for SongTitle if record exists
BHCommon – all CheckXXTables() refill the table from the database
BHNationalQuals – ability to select or deselect individual contests for a particular quartet
BHNationalQuals – uses any existing qualifiers table to set initial selections
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – now includes Novice contest
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – manually adding or deleting qualifiers also updates EntrantPreviousMembers
BHOrg – EntrantChecks – shows previous members of quartets for nationals
BHCommon – ErrorText cols – red changed to pink to improve readability
BHNationalQuals – Included a show all checkbox
BHNationalQuals – shows manually changed contest eligibility more obviously
BHNationalQuals – doesn’t select a quartet if all contests manually deleted
BHWeb – WebUsers – updates PasswordFailCount and bug fix (endless loop on update)
BHDBUpdate – Add columns LastChange and ChangeBy to OrgUsers table
BHWeb – Account pages – process LastChange and ChangeBy for OrgUsers table
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – updates Surname, Email and Phone from HarmonySite in OrgUsers
BHCommon – CloseAllTables didn’t close a couple of new ones ….
BHWeb – Default.aspx – gets contest table from database rather than being hard coded
BHOrg – Scores – will produce a spreadsheet for manual check on scoring
Database – Choruses – added ContactID, Quartets deleted [Part]ID columns
BHDBUpdate – implement changes in Choruses and Quartets
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – copied PosContactMem to ContactID
BHOrg – Entrants – [Part]ID columns added to quartets for temporary use as now not in tabe – Affiliations used as before
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – Email list refers back to qualifying contest if not yet entered in nationals
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – not matching delegates correctly and missing some
BHWeb – Signature screen – easier for jgf testing
BHInstaller – name of installation changed to BHOrganiser

BHSecurity – left EntPreviousUpload null on occasions
BHOrg – Results – ability to select multiple contests (as well as all) for display and print out
BHOrg – Results – ties are put in the order of the singing then music scores (as for BHNZ and not alphabetic order as in current BHA rules)
BHWeb – ContestReview – able to look back more easily at recent not just future groups
BHWeb – ChorusEntry7 and QuartetEntry7 – wording changed to “check” not “sign” forms
BHWeb – QuartetEntry4 – Videos allowed now put in red and box for entrant to give details about a video
BHWeb – ModifyEntries – Ability to modify the note to the CA and bug fixes
BHWeb – CAReviewEntries2 – RegistrationID included in display (for jgf use)

BHOrg – Rounds – hopefully got rid of the year 4037 that occurs every now and again
BHOrg – Rounds – if modify start time for a session first, offers to make an end time later
BHOrg – Entrants, Schedule & Evals – duplicates now alphabetic – lower case for one common member and upper case for more than one common member. (X if more than 5 overlaps).
BHOrg – Evaluations – can now split contests where one half will have at least one 4Ensemble round and the other not. Moving ensembles doesn’t fail with 4 ensembles checked!!
BHAdmin – Judges – current judge didn’t toggle correctly
BHOrg – JudgingSheets – could get the wrong number of songs
BHOrg – EntrantChecks – forms – chorus list being duplicated (sometimes)
BHOrg – Announcements – warns if trying to enter too many characters in a field rather than failing
BHOrg – Schedule – if traffic pattern template changed, warns if pattern not remade rather than failing
BHOrg – Results – ability to print all entries, videos only or live only for any results
BHNationals – Get quartets from an All Ensembles grouping as well as All Quartets
BHOrg – Setup – upload and download penalties as a part of a contest group

BHWeb – ContestDetail – if making a primary contest now a secondary one, points any registrations to the new primary
BHWeb – ChorusEntry2 and QuartetEntry2 – if user is CA (including CAProxy), bypasses check on whether or not contest entry has closed (and doesn’t delete registration if it is)
BHWeb – QuartetEntry5, ChorusEntry5 and ModifySongs all show arrangers.
BHOrg – Setup – populates LocalContestGroup when new one imported
BHOrg – Entrants – didn’t mark all eligible registrants when using All Ensembles grouping
BHOrg – EntrantChecks & Schedule – label overflowing when using All Ensembles grouping
BHBackup – needed update in CreateTablesClass and to send error messsages

Database – Qualifiers table – added columns, QualifyingContestID, NoviceContest
EntrantPreviousMembers table – renamed PreviousContestID as QualifyingContestID, added column Part
BHWeb – ContestAdmin2 – allows review of contests up to 3 months in past (instead of only future)
BHNationalQuals – populates EntrantPreviousMembers as well as Qualifiers
BHOrg – ability to modify song titles (and copyright info) from within the scores tab.
BHOrg – Setup – bug fix if downloading multiple CGs at once. Leaves CG selected after import
BHOrg – Evaluations – more bug fixes with 3 vs 4 ensembles

DBUpdate – had not added column Has4Ensembles to Evaluations as part of 2.1.2
BHOrg – Entrants – checks for more than 2 directors when trying to add third rather than after the second has been found
BHWeb – QuartetEntry3 – no longer persists a previous quartet membership list but gets it anew.

BHWeb – removes extra spaces (if they exist) when forming RegistrantName – meant difficulty signing certifications
BHWeb – CAProxy changed the registrant as well - fixed
BHOrg – Evaluations – allow evaluation times down to 10 (rather than 15 minutes)
BHWeb – Change Contest Groups function now picks up the correct group each time and not just some of the time.
BHOrg – Entrants – registrant contests could fail – eg youth group and no youth contest didn’t show up as in Open.
BHOrg – Evaluations – ability to have three or four ensembles in each round of evaluations
BHOrg – Admin – failed if ContestAdmin table not initialised for a contest
BHWeb – QuartetEntry3 – removed ability to change quartet membership
BHWeb – ModifyEntries – pushed ‘Continue’ entry back to Chorus/QuartetEntry2 to ensure have PrimaryContestID recorded properly
BHWeb – ModifyChorusList2 – gave fault (looking for copyright information with wrong filter)
BHWeb – Chorus and QuartetEntry – refuses to let a second person start a registration for the same ensemble in the same contest group
Databases – ContestGroups – removed column IsQualifying, added new table QualContests
BHQuartetQuals – renamed BHNationalsQuals
BHNationalQuals – modified to allow for both BHA and BHNZ qualifications in the one year – changes written to allow for chorus quals in the future but not yet implemented

BHOrg – Entrants – gets song durations correctly
BHOrg – Rounds – sets a default MikeTestDetails
BHOrg – Evaluations – didn’t work with only one contest
BHOrg – Entrants – adding a quartet directly didn’t use the affiliations table and failed
BHOrg – Entrants – more explicit messages with Refresh and RedoAll (Registrants)

Databases –
ContestAdmin – AccountNbr – to nvarchar(20)
Registrations – added – Accepted bit, CANotes nvarchar(500)
JudgingSheets – ItemDetails – to nvarchar(200)
Control tables – new music judging form
BHWeb – ContestAdmin and CAEntryReview – CA root access permissions now recognised
BHOrganiser – Contests – individual contests not displaying properly
BHOrganiser – Judges – shows only the current judges in the panel on the right
BHAdmin – JudgingPanel – now able to properly toggle between current and all judges
BHOrganiser – Setup – DownloadRegistrations only enabled if ContestGroup in in local database
BHWeb – CAEntryReview2 – implementing Accepted and CANotes. If an entry is resubmitted or modified, the Accepted switch is deselected. (And added Change Con Group button)
BHWeb – added CAEntryGroupChange – move a registration to a different contest group

Databases –
OrgAccess – addition of columns for partial upload access at both group and contest level
ContestGroups – addition of CopyrightInfo – allows for suppression of what is sort
EntrantSongs and RegistrationSongs – addition of Duration (int) in seconds
Registrations – addition of Entry, Songs and ChorusList SignedBy, SignedDate and Proxy
CAList – addition of CASurname
Registrations – addition of columns EntrySignedBy, EntrySignedDate and Entry Proxy for the entry form – and similar columns for Songs and ChorusList
EntryCertifications – new table soft coding the certifications when entry forms signed
EntrantPreviousMembers – new table - for checking quartets have not changed more than one member between regionals and nations. (Needs mod to Organiser to use the table – will be in a later update). BHSetup and BHOrganiser imports modified.
BHSecurity – mods to support setting the changes to OrgAccess allowing partial contest upload or download
BHSetup – creating new tables EntryCertifications and EntrantPreviousMembers
BHWeb, BHOrganiser, BHAdmin, BHSetup – supporting the use of the new security regime
BHDBUpdate – refinement of AddNewTableColumn to cope with multiple additions but not attempt to copy partially updated tables
BHWeb – ContestAdmin – filter on CA List to include only current CAs.
BHWeb – Chorus and QuartetEntry5 and ModifySongs – requires answers for authors, arrangers and copyright type – added function and note to allow clearing details of a song
BHWeb – ChorusEntry6, QuartetEntry6, ModSongs2 and ModChorusList2 all new – ask for certification from registrant and recording electronic signing of forms and using EntryCertifications table
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – Print Entry Forms uses EntryCertications table and allows for electronic signing of forms (if registration can be found)
BHWeb – ChorusEntry7 and QuartetEntry7 – (old ..6) – mod wording and modified forms iaw above
BHWeb – ContestGroups – ability to toggle SuppressDuration in CopyrightInfo
BHWeb – WebGeneral – certifications from ChorusEntry6 etc.. now copied onto forms
BHWeb – WebGeneral – wording on forms changed to “Electronically signed by : ….” or if the CA has used a proxy to make the entry, “Electronically signed by the CA for ….” Wording in note that email has been sent to “CA will have copies of forms to check” rather than “sign”.
BHWeb – ChorusEntry7 and QuartetEntry7 – if email fails, now marks the entry as submitted
BHWeb – WebGeneral – moved variables associated with all fields in Registrations to being Public – new subroutine GetRegistrationDetails which populates them all for use by entry pages
BHWeb - CAEntryReview2 – ChangeRegistrant shows only webusers and not all members – only webusers can be a registrant
BHAdmin and BHOrganiser – ContestAdmin (both) and CADetails – populate CASurname when adding or modifying a CA. Also populate CurrentCA, LastChange and ChangeBy columns.
BHCommon – UserDetails – Enter key first OK button
BHOrganiser – Schedule – ability to add a known or unknown ensemble which is not for scoring to the traffic pattern. Consequential changes to pdf forms produced and to ContestJudging, Scores and ScoreTester (bot not required for Results).
BHOrganiser – Scores – ability to cycle songs in all rounds, not just the round being scored – keeps results and entrantsongs tables in step with each other. Removes ability to modify songtitle from within scores
BHOrganiser – Results – PDF and Excel reports for APRA on copyright details for songs
BHCommon – Archive (and retrieve) – both work on local computer - called from Organiser uses BHOrganiser, called from Admin uses BHCentral – only jgf has a local BHCentral.

BHOrganiser and BHWeb – notice on bottom of entry forms and schedule forms referred to AAMBS
BHVersionControl – added BHSecurity to list of programs
BHVersionControl – ability to modify all major, minor and build versions in one click
BHVersionControl – update of all copyright notices

BHOrganiser – Evaluations – second panel times corrected in print outs
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – ability to print entrant times in entrant or time order
BHOrganiser – Setup – put contest group upload and download into a thread to cope with potential timeouts
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – allows printing of entry forms for one or all entrants.
Note that ‘Refresh All’ in Entrants will update EntrantMembers and EntrantSongs with latest data from registrations but NOT change the contests including any manual changes

BHOrganiser – Results – highest EnsembleID chorus now gets its actual average use for the Aberle awards scoring instead of the random number used in initial testing of this function.

BHScoreTester – doesn’t have to connect to Central Server
BHOrganiser – Schedule – includes appearance order and smaller columns if higher pattern length
BHWeb – Quartet4 – ignores columns in quartets such as Intl as not relevant (ditto Chorus4)

BHOrganiser – Judges – didn’t fire contest change event after a contest group change
BHOrganiser – Announcements – didn’t work reliably with choruses and quartets together …
BHOrganiser – Entrants – adding a registrant with no valid contest (occurred with Schools) – didn’t transfer RegistrationSongs or Reg..Members to Entrant… equivalents.

BHAdmin – Delegates – allows matching delete when it isn’t quite perfect (and needs to be redone)
BHOrganiser – for BHNZ members and no expiry dates puts “Current” rather than “??” and not red
BHOrganiser – Entrants – same mods as Quartets/Chorus4.aspx to allow for Schools;Mixed

BHScoretester – looks for blank song names and offers to fix them.
BHAdmin – Delegates – make delegate didn’t always get ContestGroupID right
BHAdmin – Delegates – couldn’t revert status with BHNZ terminology for registrations – fixed
BHOrganiser – Evaluations – new printout – entrants schedule
BHWeb – Chorus and Quartets – able to edit Schools for BHA groups
BHWeb – Chorus and Quartet entries – to handle multiple validities, eg Schools;Mixed
BHWeb – CAEntryReviewSpecial – allows root CA to delete incomplete registrations
BHAdmin – Delegates – both members and delegates can be selected for manual matches
BHAUpdate and BHNZUpdate – delete DelegateMatches where the delegate no longer exists

BHOrganiser – Evaluations – fixes problems with judges moving and significant number of choruses with fault in making PDF

BHOrganiser – Contests – ability to select BHA, BHNZ and Convention logos added ie modifies BHOrganiser table while BHAdmin works on BHCentral
BHCommon – Options – changes on ConventionLogoLocation location to work with other modules
BHOrganiser – further work on 1.4.7 and convention logos now work

BHOrganiser – Entrants, Schedule, JudgingSheets – puts either BHA or BHNZ logos on correctly (Note – not yet tested with a convention logo).

BHOrganiser – Rounds – Bug on attempting to change round date under some circumstances
BHWeb – Quartet and Chorus list entry and mods – checks member status as well as delegate status
BHDBUpdate – puts BHOrganiser database to recovery simple (to ensure log file doesn’t get full)

BHNZUpdate – “members” without a membership had NULL values for MemberType and Level
BHOrganiser – Entrants – bug fix - minor rework on registrant contests
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – able to see four songs at a time (hence no scroll in Open Quartet)
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – pdf includes registration state
BHOrganiser – Setup – with some security configurations, import contest group failed.
BHWeb – ModifyChorusList – picked up last year’s delegates as well. (ChorusList3 was OK).

BHAdmin – Qualifiers – shows IntlContest and able to check/uncheck this option
BHOrganiser – Entrants – bug fix in selecting entrants
BHOrganiser – PreviousScores – able to hand modify more easily
BHOrganiser – Results – Most Improved - doesn’t include those with no previous scores

Qualifiers table – change column from QualContest to IntlContest
PreviousScores table – new column PreviousScore
BHDBUpdate – functions to Add, Delete and Change a table column

BHWeb – CAEntryReview2 – after deleting a registration, makes the Other Actions buttons invisible
BHOrganiser – ability for jgf to upload registrations (in maintenance circumstances only)
BHOrganiser – fixed registry data (allowing local database name to actually be changed)
BHOrganiser – Rounds – could get in an endless loop with start and end dates wrong – given ability to start over again setting up rounds and sessions
BHScoreTester – warns if no judges and starts with saved ContestGroupID
BHOrganiser – EntrantChecks – shows copyright info for songs

BHAdmin – Qualifiers – adding a new qualifier picks up if an entry has been started or completed at the time of adding the qualifier. Screen reflects changes in ContestGroup and Contests better
BHAdmin – Delegates – weren’t able to change ContestGroup properly.
BHAdmin – ContestGroups – displays HasQualifiers (with Show Details radio button)
BHAdmin – Qualifiers – radiobuttons exchanged for label stating which contests, if any, have qualifiers

Whole suite - tables - Members, Choruses, Quartets and Clubs – now all have HarmonySite unique identifiers as additional keys.
Whole suite – members table – deleted columns AffiliationIDn – information is all in the Affilliations table
BHAUpdate – no expiry date now taken as meaning active. Ignores four fields in members where HarmonySite columns changed to type mediumtext which doesn’t seem read by .NET provider
BHNZUpdate – new
BHAdmin – Delegates – ability to search by organisation (same as the members); Unmatch wasn’t working properly (display only); BHNZ delegates get member number added

(c) jgf 2016 - 24