Welcome to the BHA and BHNZ Contest Entry Website

  Forthcoming BHA and BHNZ Regional and/or National Contests which are planned are listed in the table below.  The table will be updated as arrangements are finalised. 

There are no specific qualification requirements for regional contests.  However, for national contests, there may be qualification requirements for some individual contests. 

At both regional and national contests, quartets are not be able to complete their entry until all four members are registered and fully members of BHA or BHNZ as the case may be. Both BHA and BHNZ require all singers in a national contest to be delegates to the convention.  For BHA, this will be checked at the time of contest entry.  For BHNZ, it is checked at a later time.

Chorus entries can be submitted without the chorus list being finalised  However, the entries themselves including at least an indicative chorus list and song list must to be submitted by the closing date. Songs and chorus lists must be finalised no later than 7 days before contest (at both regional and national level).

Please note that if there appears to be disagreement between wording on this website and contest rules, the latter are definitive.  Plesae advise the relevant ADM Judge if you consider there is a discrepancy. 

Plesae note: At present, there are no contests for which entries are currently open.


BHA and BHNZ Members may log on to this site and enter a chorus or a quartet for a regional or national contest. Â  If you have not done so before, you must first register as a user on this website to obtain a login.  You will require your BH Member ID to proceed - ie your BHA or BHNZ ID as shown on the respective websites.   You must be a member of the chorus or quartet concerned.

SAI members or others wishing to enter an invitation chorus or quarter for a regional contest will also need a 'BH Member ID'.   If you have not previously had one (or have forgotten it), please email Linda Vinall calindav@internode.on.net or John Faris john@faris.au. Before attempting to enter, invitation SAA quartets will also need to advise the names of their members and SAA choruses the name of the person wishing to make the entry and the name(s) of the Musical Director(s). 

More information on registering as a user for this website or entering a chorus or quartet for competition, please refer to the Help menu.

For technical issues with this website, please contact John Faris: john@faris.au
(c) jgf 2016 - 24