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This website is used for quartets and choruses to register for BHA and BHNZ contests.


Once a member has registered with the website, they can enter a chorus or quartet for contest.  Registration entries are checked against the contests database to restrict entries to registered current members, choruses, quartets and to restrict registrations of a chorus or quartet to members of the chorus or quartet.


Entries can only be made by a person who is a member of a given ensemble (or who has been specifically affiliated with that ensemble such as a coach of an adult ensemble or a school teacher in the case of a school ensemble.


Both BHA and BHNZ keep a register of members and of both choruses and quartets on their websites.  The data from these websites is downloaded into the contests database automatically between 2am and 4am every day.  It should be noted that a change in either of the primary websites will not be reflected in the contests database for up to 24 hours.


The contest entry system is designed to assist with compliance with contest rules.  For example, the system will only permit a men's quartet to enter a men's quartet contest or a mixed chorus enter a mixed chorus contest or a senior women's chorus enter a senior women's chorus contest (BHA) or a senior women's quartet enter a senior quartet contest (BHNZ).  At the close of entries, all ensembles must have a complete and contest rules compliant membership system eg all must be current members of BHA or BHNZ as the case may be and, in the case of a national contest, that all members are registered as delegates at the associated national convention.


The website data is used to setup the desktop program used by a ADM Judge on contest day.  It also has a number of functions not visible to most users to allow a ADM Judge to setup contests, to monitor contest entry and to review performers and their ensembles.


It should be noted that a region or national body holding a gathering, "contest" or "convention" is likely to have a number of separate "contests" at that "convention".  The terminology used in the contest entry portal for a group of contests, eg HEA Northern, Central Region regionals or BHNZ Nationals is a "contest group".  A contest group may have a number of groups of contest, eg all the choruses together (including Open Chorus, Men's, Women's and Mixed Chorus contests etc..) and all the quartets together (including a similar list of individual quartet contests).





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